
Principles of Electronic Circuits 2/e2015好書搶購

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內容簡介 This text distinguishes itself from its competition (esp. Sedra/Smith) by its careful and complete integration of SPICE - a circuit simulation software program used widely in EE departments, especially in its free, Evaluation versions called PSPICE. The use of SPICE is incorporated directly into the book's rich selection of realistic examples. In simple terms, SPICE is used as a analysis tool to test electronics devices and their performance in circuits. In addition,the authors focus on three key objectives in presenting the basic concepts of electronics. The authors (1) describe device models for diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors; (2) apply these device models in a wide variety of realistic examples; and (3) integrate the use of SPICE throughout as a powerful design tool for circuit analysis. The book also features a superior new learning pedagogy, with important concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter, marginal notes emphasizing key concepts in the text, more than 200 example problems and circuit designs, new drill exercises and checkup questions at the end of each section and chapter, and more than 1,000 end-of-chapter problems. Bound in to the back of the book is a CD-ROM containing Macintosh, DOS and Windows Evaluation versions of PSPICE; SPICE netlists supporting the text; Acrobat-based electronic transparencies of text illustrations; and a collection of sample circuits developed for use with the Student Edition of Electronics Workbench for Windows (also distributed by PWS), making this book a complete course and design solution for professors and student using PSPICE and other circuit analysis software.