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暢銷書籍[Wide Area Network]在網路書店購買方便
內容簡介 This book covers everything that users need to know about the installation and configuration of a local area network. With its no-nonsense and easy-to-read format, the book provides enough detail to allow full understanding of how networking technology, protocols, and services work together so that users can install, configure, and troubleshoot a wide area network. It provides comprehensive coverage of the OSI model and LAN technology; voice, video, and data traffic; then discusses TCP/IP and IPX protocol suites with an emphasis on IP addressing. It emphasizes Cisco switches, followed by WAN technology, routers, and routing protocol, and covers WAN security, voice communications, and wireless technology. For those employed in IT, Systems, and in departments where computer networking knowledge is helpful. Also useful for those readers preparing to take the Cisco CCNA exam.