
Marketing Research Methodological Foundation with Qualtrics Card

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  • Marketing Research Methodological Foundation with Qualtrics Card

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      Proven "Questions to Guide your Learning" Learning Objectives ensure students focus: Clear, focused Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter increase student comprehension and ensure your students concentrate their efforts on key marketing research skills.

      * Margin call-outs highlight key topics and skills: "Key Point" margin notes further direct students' attention to today's most important market research topics.

      * "Research Realities" emphasize captivating examples from today's businesses: Actual real examples of research at work in marketing and business today provide students with a realistic view of what to expect when they enter the real world.

      * Ethical dilemma activities help students apply their skills: Real ethical challenges facing business today provide exceptional opportunities for students to apply what they have learned regarding market research and the important role of ethics.

      * Variety of proven learning features ensure student comprehension: Discussion Questions, Application Problems, End-of-Part Cases, and Chapter Appendixes reinforce learning with hands-on practice and additional explanations to make certain each student fully understands the most important topics in marketing research today.


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